Voulez Vous? ABBA Musical Competition

For those of you who didn’t see our competition announcement in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe programme, here it is, followed by the official rules.  Please note that you may not enter a sequel to Mamma Mia!  And also that the club will own the rights in your entry, so that we can use and adapt your ideas for a future show.  (This will apply to all entries, not just the wining entry). 

You don’t have to be a fantastic script writer, or even feel like your spelling and grammar are up to scratch, it’s all about the creative ideas! The competition is open to everyone irrespective of age, or whether they are a club member or not. Please do pass this along to anyone you feel may be interested. 



Do you want to be more involved in the shows that Wrington Drama Club perform? Do you want to write a storyline of your own? Do you want to listen to and perform the music of Abba?


Well, take a chance on us!


Wrington Drama are sending out an S.O.S. We have a dream to perform an exciting, original musical. So, what’s the name of the game? We’d like you to choose between twelve and twenty Abba songs and weave them into your own unique story line. Once you have written your synopsis (in no more than 1000 words), email it to wdctickets@gmail.com  by 31stMarch 2020. The committee will then decide which winner takes it all. We hope that their dream world will then form the basis for a full script, to be performed at a later date.


This competition is open to absolutely anyone, regardless of age, so don’t let the opportunity slip through your fingers! 


When all is said and done, we’d like to thank you for the musical.

Wrington Drama Club ‘ABBA Musical’ competition

1.     Each entry must consist of a summary of the characters and storyline for a show based on the songs of ABBA.

2.     The summary must be no more than 1000 words long.

3.     Entries must include between 12 and 20 ABBA songs, occurring at appropriate points in the story.  The words of each song should be shown (but these do not count towards the 1000-word limit).

4.     The story and characters must not refer to the muscial/film Mamma Mia! or Mamma Mia! Here we go again, for copyright reasons.  Some of the same songs may be used, but they must be in different contexts.

5.     Anyone may enter, including family members of those judging.

6.     Entries must be sent to wdctickets@gmail.com no later than 31 March 2020.

7.     The competition will be judged by members of the drama club committee, plus co-opted judges as the committee sees fit.

8.     A prize, of unspecified value and nature, will be given to the entry which is judged to be most entertaining and which is also practicable for adapting for performance by the club.  (We are looking for something we could put on in the Memorial Hall!)

9.     The judges’ opinion is final.

10.  Copyright in all entries will be owned by Wrington Drama Club.

11.  Content and ideas from every entry will be considered for use in a possible forthcoming show.  Material from several different entries may be used in the same show, and the use of material from every entry, including the winning one, will be entirely at the discretion of Wrington Drama Club.   

This message has been sent on behalf of the Wrington Drama Club Committee:
Richard Kingcott: Chair
Julie Kingcott: Secretary
Mick Axtell: Treasurer
Cathy Faulkner
Ian Maitland-Round
Will Maitland-Round
Ian Withers
Tom Henry
Eleanor Cashman

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